
Fun facts:
• Creator of Muppet-like puppets, wands and tomahawks.
• He is a lover of all things vampire.
• Ask him about his 7 foot reaper and his ever growing graveyard at Halloween.
His enthusiasm is infectious, he's full of energy and bursting with creativity.
On the professional side, his abilities are just as unique and diverse.
• He is a master at lighting and transforming any kind of set. Think that's a shot of a picnic on the beach? Nope, it's all studio with painted cove as the sky and floating fake trees. He can intricately light chrome product to beautifully styled food on a set.
• Small set to large elaborate set building, still or video.
• Experienced in location work for video to industrial product; he has the gear and can travel.
James has experience working with a wide range of people, places and things. Contact him today to discuss your needs!